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인문사회융합대학 문화콘텐츠학부 영어문화학과
교수연구동 517호
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영국 맨체스터대학교 교육대학원  Ph.D.

bullet  상세경력

- (현) 국립국제교육원 자체기관 평가위원
- (현) 한국영어교육학회(KATE) 국제 이사
- (현) 한국중등영어교육학회(KASEE) 부회장
- (전) Institute of Education, University of London 박사후연구
- (전) 서울시립대학교 객원교수
- (전) 서울시교육청 외국어정책 민간자문위원
- (전) 서울특별시 교육청 중등 영어과 정교사
- (전) 아시아영어교육학회 (AisaTEFL) 부회장

bullet  주요논문

- (박사논문) The Professional Development of Korean English teachers in middle schools, with particular reference to peer collaboration / University of Manchester / 2003
- Hyoshin Lee & Judy Yin. 2021. “As A Teacher, COVID-19 Means…”: Stories of How English Teachers in Asia Developed Resilience During the Pandemic. Journal of Asia TEFL. 764-779.
- Jihyae Lee & Hyoshin Lee. 2021. Native English-speaking and Korean-speaking teachers’ perceptions of intercultural sensitivity and foreign language teaching competencies. Korean Journal of Korean English Language and Linguistics. 21. 949-968.
- Junyoung Jang & Hyoshin Lee. 2021. A Study on the Perception of Korean Culture and Korean Culture Education of Korean Language Student Teachers through Metaphor Analysis. Studies in Linguistics, 59, 285-313.
- Byunghoo Hwang & Hyoshin Lee. 2021. The intonation of commentary pragmatic markers of native English speakers in the Buckeye Corpus: Focused on evidential markers. Korean Journal of Korean English Language and Linguistics, 21, 678-696.
- Hyoshin Lee. 2020. Case Study of the Development of Student Teachers’ Core-competencies through Educational Volunteer Activities. Journal of Learner-centered Curriculum and Instruction, 20(6), 1455-1485.
- Hyoshin Lee. 2020. What are the effects of the change in the assessment systems on the alignment between curriculum, teaching and assessment? A case in Korean middle schools. Journal of Asia TEFL, 16(1). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18823/asiatefl.2019.
- Hyoshin Lee. 2019. “What are the effects of the change in the assessment systems on the alignment between curriculum, teaching and assessment? A case in Korean middle schools. Journal of Asia TEFL. 91-106.

bullet  주요저서

- 영어수업지도안 작성의 이론과 실제 (한국영어교과교육 영어교육총서) (공저) (2014)
- 세계의 고등학교 교육 (공저) / 신정출판사 / 2009