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염경진 교수
) 의료생명대학 바이오융합과학부 식품영양학과
종합강의동 312호
식품분석학 및 영양생화학
bullet  최종학력

Yonsei University Ph.D. Nutrition(Nutritional Biochemistry)  이학박사

bullet  상세경력

-1994 - 2013 Jean Mayer USDA-Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University, Boston, MA, Research Associate Scientist III, II, I
-2004 - 2013 Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts Univ. Boston, MA, Assistant & Associate Professor
-2013 - 2016 건국대학교 의료생명대학 식품생명과학부 부교수
-2016 ~ 현재 건국대학교 의료생명대학 식품학과 교수
-1994 ~ 현재 International Carotenoid Society 정회원
-1998 ~ 현재 The American Society for Nutrition (미국영양학회) 정회원
-2013 ~ 현재 한국영양학회 평생회원
-2020 ~ 현재 Foods 편집위원
-2021 ~ 현재 Nutrition Research and Practice 편집장

bullet  주요논문

-Growth and carotenoid contents of intercropped vegetables in building-integrated urban agriculture. J Food Quality 2021:1159567
-Oat (Avena sativa) extract against oxidative stress induced apoptosis in human keratinocytes. Molecules 2021;26:5564
-Protocol Optimization of Proteomic Analysis of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer). Separations 2021;8:53
-Chicken consumption and insulin resistance in non-diabetic adults. J Nutr Health 2020;53(4):356-368
-Black rice with giant embryo ameliorates serum c-eactive protein in adults with metabolic syndrome. J Clin Biochem Nutr 2020;67:344
-Fat mass is associated with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration regardless of body size in men. Nutrients 2018;10:850 doi:10.3390/nu10070850
-Isotopic labelling procedure for the characterization of HNE-sequestering agents in natural extracts and its application for the identification of anthocyanidins in black rice with -giant embryo Free Radical Research 2018;52(8):896-906
-Enhanced antioxidant activity of bioactives in colored grains by nano-carriers in human lens epithelial cells. Molecules 2018;23:1327
-Black soybeans protect human keratinocytes from oxidative2017 stress-induced c100ell death. Food Science & Nutrition 2018;6:2423-2430
-Implications of red Panax ginseng in oxidative stress associated chronic diseases. J Ginseng Res 2017;41:113-119
-Genetic variations of carotenoids, vitamin E and phenolic compounds in biofortified maize. J Sci Food Agric 2017;97:793-801
-Identification of enzymatic cleavage products of β-carotene-rich extracts of kale and biofortified maize. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 2017;87:279-286
-Peanut butter increase the bioavailability and bioconversion of kale β-caortene to vitamin A. Asia Pac J Nutr 2017;26:1039-1047